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Moderator: JC Denton

Posting Guidelines

Postby icycalm » 19 Aug 2011 18:40

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Postby icycalm » 09 Apr 2012 19:34

The word "mainstream" is now banned from this site. If you need an alternative you can use a word like "popular", which, though it still unfortunately has a lot of negative connotations, at least has nowhere near as many as the "mainstream" fagotry. The reasons for all this are explained at length in my essay "On Mane Streems and Niches".

As for the word "niche", it's nowhere near as malignant as the "mainstream" fagotry, so you can keep using that one, but with the understanding that just because something is niche (i.e. unpopular) it does not automatically mean that it's good.
Last edited by icycalm on 31 Jan 2017 02:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby icycalm » 29 Sep 2012 07:05

If you are planning on posting, please get an avatar before you do so, and make it a nice one because I don't want you messing my site's look with some ugly jpg.

I will usually give one warning to whoever posts without an avatar, at least until I have updated the posting guidelines with this new rule -- but if you ignore it you'll be banned as quickly and as surely as Melty in the DMC3 thread. So take heed, and act accordingly.
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Postby icycalm » 04 Feb 2013 01:46

Some elaboration on guideline #12:

NeoKubrick wrote:Did anyone here like Dear Esther?

icycalm wrote:Is there any point to this question or are you simply trying to conduct a poll of Dear Esther's popularity in the Gone Home thread? What would be gained if, say, a bunch of people decided to post:

"Sure, yeah."

"Yep, I loved it."

"Favorite game this gen."

"It was fun while it lasted."

"I liked it too."

"Me too."

etc. etc.

From the forum posting guidelines:

I wrote:So. When you post you should VOLUNTEER information -- just like I do. Asking questions is okay too, but only in specific threads (discussions, for example) at specific times. I.e. it's NOT okay to bump a thread asking "Has anyone played this?" -- if someone HAS played it, and if they feel like posting about it, they will do so of their own accord. On the other hand, if we've reviewed a game, you can of course ask whatever question you want -- at that point that's mainly what the thread is for: for people to ask questions (and of course to volunteer opinions/additional information, etc.)

In plain terms, if you, who are presumably trying to initiate discussion, cannot be bothered to comment at all on the game, it shouldn't be surprising if no one else can be bothered to either. So what we get in the end is some random dude who no one knows anything about saying that he likes a game, and some other random strangers agreeing or disagreeing for similarly nonexistent reasons. It is quite a different thing when I say that I liked or disliked something, for on the one hand I've written hundreds of pages of commentary on hundreds of games, so people know to a greater or lesser extent who I am and what I like -- whereas you haven't written anything and no one knows anything about you; and on the other hand I usually elaborate, or when I don't you know that I am planning to elaborate sooner or later, and I am saving my analysis for the proper time and place. Your opinion, on the other hand, stands almost on the level of any random person on the street at this point, and hence is worthless without elaboration.

If you really cared about this game and were really looking for discussion about it, what you would do is start a thread about it and offer some comments -- or even an entire review, if you were that much into it -- and see whether anyone had anything to say about that. But you don't, so you didn't. Instead we get a lazy throwaway question, that even in the best of cases and with the best will in the world would almost certainly not lead to any worthwhile result. You are not even asking people WHY they liked it, for christsake -- which would show up your laziness even more blatantly, of course (since you would be asking for something you are not willing to give) -- but it would at least be a proper question, instead of this retarded straight-up popularity poll conducted by strangers for strangers.

And please, don't give me any excuses. The Gone Home thread is already burdened enough with off-topic bullshit as is, and I have better things to do than click on, read and delete off-topic excuse posts. Just learn how to post like a proper thinking human being and move on to the next thread.
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Postby icycalm » 31 May 2013 15:24

All videos are "game videos". Whoever uses the phrase "game video" again will have his account deactivated.

All footage is assumed to contain "gameplay". If you want to specify that it doesn't, you should say "cutscene footage" or "cutscene trailer", and if you want to specify that it does, you should say "includes play footage" (as in, "new trailer/video which includes play footage"). Get any of this wrong and your account will be deactivated.

The term "in-game" is banned. All footage is "in-game" footage. To imply otherwise means to imply that a cutscene is not part of the game, which is moronic. Use the term "in-game" again and your account will be deactivated.

If you can't grasp these simple guidelines you don't belong here.
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Postby icycalm » 06 Aug 2013 02:05

A Shin Megami Tensei IV video, posted by Japanese site 4Gamer:

Look at how they label it:


This means "Shin Megami Tensei IV Play Movie". So the Japanese are using the exact same terminology I do, quite simply because there is no word for "gameplay" in their language, and they still manage to create stuff like JRPGs and the MGS games, were conventional "wisdom" would have it that the word gameplay would be essential. And that's because it isn't.

I am just posting this here for the benefit of those of you who still feel uncomfortable using terms like play footage, play movie, play video, etc. All of Japan is using them too, so get used to them and help everyone else by spreading them around.
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Postby icycalm » 08 Nov 2013 22:03

Via email:

zinger wrote:The Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun essay was fantastic, by the way. Thanks for making this Sunday even better.

I wrote:Glad you liked it. But why don't you make a thread in the forum about it? I wish people would use the forum more, like I do. It would be more useful and enjoyable for all of us.

zinger wrote:I've almost forgotten how to use the forum. One reason I haven't been motivated to post there so much lately is because the atmosphere seems to have changed a bit. People seem almost afraid to post, maybe worried about getting banned etc. I should invest more time into writing posts though, hopefully people will loosen up a bit in time.

Dude, you sound like a little girl. "Oh the atmosphere has changed a bit, and since it's the ATMOSPHERE that determines what I do, instead of what I simply WANT to do, I don't do it".

The atmosphere is the way it is because I WANT it to be this way. Because it's not the atmosphere that determines what I do, I am the one who MAKES the atmosphere. And this is the atmosphere I am aiming for:

Friedrich Nietzsche wrote:Above all they are terrified to see how the most difficult is demanded and the best is done without praise and decorations.

It's either that, or I let all the retards run loose and turn the Insomnia forum into NeoGAF -- an extremely friendly atmosphere where you have to spend half the day to find three posts worth reading. And even if such an atmosphere would motivate you to post more, it would motivate ME to STOP posting, which is exactly what happened when I dropped out of all the other forums and started posting exclusively on Insomnia, which led to the creation of this atmosphere, and so on in circles to infinity, get it?

Or if you prefer the half-way option of places like gamengai and Postback, where you can chat to your heart's content with all the other stunted retards about how modern games suck and Super Mario World is the pinnacle of artistic achievement that the human species is capable of, go do that instead. Or if you think you can do better than NeoGAF, gamengai, Postback and Insomnia then start your own goddamn forum. Or if you have SPECIFIC SUGGESTIONS on how either Insomnia or any of those other sites could be improved then FUCKING MAKE THEM. But don't whine to me about the goddamn atmosphere when you are doing exactly jack shit to help improve it and merely refrain from posting either because you have nothing to say or because you are "too scared of the atmosphere" or some shit. At the end of the day you either have something to contribute to the reporting and analysis of videogames, or you don't -- what the fuck do any "atmospheres" have to do with any of that?

Don't take this personally, if you can. Your email just gave me that last little nudge to explode on a matter that has been bothering me for some time. And this matter is that EVERYONE WRITING ABOUT VIDEOGAMES TODAY IS A LITTLE PANSY-ASS FUCKING FAGOT WITH THE BACKBONE OF A SEA SLUG. So those of you who CAN man up may want to consider TO MAN THE FUCK UP and stop whining about atmospheres like little fucking children.
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Postby icycalm » 08 Nov 2013 22:21

Did I just make the atmosphere even worse with that post lol.
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Image copyright

Postby Gaius » 31 Jul 2014 03:17

In the thread I made recently for the game Bless [ > ], one of the sites that I got screens from [ > ] had an inbuilt image viewer which did not allow me to save the image so instead I searched the site through Google image search and obtained some screens through the Google "view image" link. I am wondering if this is okay or is the image viewer some kind of protection implying that should I not use those images for copyright reasons.

Also one of the other sites I got screens from [ > ] was just some random blog, is this okay? Or should I stick to larger websites.

I will redo the thread if either of the above is not alright.
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Postby icycalm » 31 Jul 2014 03:45

You are doing great, keep it up.
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Postby icycalm » 31 Jan 2017 02:57

The forum doesn't seem to allow uploading of GIFs, currently. I will try to fix this, but until I do you can hotlink GIFs using the [img] tag, and I will manually upload them to the server via FTP later. When this situation changes, I will post about it in this thread.
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Postby icycalm » 18 Feb 2017 13:08

Just wanted to make clear that it's okay to quote the word gameplay from some other person or site. It's also okay to use it in jest, occasionally. What's not okay is to use it seriously.

So for example, when linking YouTube videos, you can just copy-paste the video's title, even if it includes the word. You could rephrase the title if you wanted, but it's not necessary. It's up to you.
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Postby icycalm » 03 Apr 2017 08:14

At some point I will go into the admin controls and make it so only people with say 100+ posts can post in the Theory forum. Until then, I don't want to see any noobs with 0 posts posting in there.

If you have not bothered to contribute to any other section of the forum, FUCK YOU if you think I want to hear what you have to say on a theory subject. If you are not posting in the forum it means YOU DON'T PLAY GAMES AND KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THEM. It means you don't even LIKE games, so FUCK YOU for presuming to post in my Theory forum.

Show me you love games and know something about them, by making tons of posts in the other boards, and then MAYBE I'll discuss theory with you.

Whoever wants his account to remain unbanned, consider the above very carefully before attempting to post in my Theory forum. I have psychoanalyzed you little non-gaming fucks very well, and I don't want to see you anywhere NEAR that forum.
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