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Postby icycalm » 28 Sep 2014 07:44 ... 9#msg76719

icycalm's ape wrote:Now, to be frank, I actually think this is a pretty good game in spite of all the issues, for the simple fact that if you're going to ape the framework for any RTS game, you can't go wrong by taking ideas from Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander.

In English: "I have no idea why icycalm loves this game, so I am just going to give some generic blurby reason for it because I am a casual moron who can't enjoy the game, and therefore can't figure out why icy loves it so much before he explains the reasons to us himself".

icycalm's ape wrote:The game still plays very fast and the game's sense of scope, in terms of the number of units you get and the size of the battlefields to play them on, is pretty much unmatched. When your land/sea/air RTS game's most immediate comparisons are to space epics like Homeworld and Sins of a Solar Empire, you did something right.

In English: "I am too stupid to see that PA has absolutely nothing to do with Homeworld or Sins of the Solar Empire anymore than I can figure out that a planetary system is not the same thing as a galaxy" lol.

icycalm's ape wrote:(In spite of this, Planetary Annihilation is an ugly and disgusting game, and it's like they created some sort of disgusting hybrid between 2D "indie" pixel art 3D modeling.)

In English: "I am too much of a tasteless troglodyte to see that this is the best-looking RTS ever and one of the best-looking games ever, period".

icycalm's ape wrote:But the ideal RTS still allows for smart tactical decisions, and outside of the most basic unit countering concepts, this game absolutely does not have them.

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Hear that, Masa? PA has no tactical decisions lol, so I guess you haven't been doing anything in your 180 hours of being our tactical specialist in this game.

icycalm's ape wrote:There's no micromanagement in the game

Whereas in fact there's so much micromanagement in the game that you could devote an ENTIRE PLAYER to a SINGLE UNIT, and see considerable gains out of it. In fact that is one of the aspects in which the game could be, and is obviously already being, improved: the reduction of micromanagement, OF WHICH THERE IS AN ESSENTIALLY UNLIMITED AMOUNT. That's why so much effort is being devoted to advanced actions like area commands and UI development. Uber is blazing new grounds in this area -- but casuals like Mikey are so far from registering any of it (I bet anything you want that he doesn't even know what an area command is) that they can come out and say that there's no micro involved at all lol.

icycalm's ape wrote:and for all the screaming about strategy, Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander have tons of micromanagement—because "STARCLICK IS AN EVIL, EVIL GAEM, ALL MICRO IS BAD".

It's not that "micro" is bad per se, it's just that micro=tactics and macro=strategy, and RTSes are supposed to be strategy games (that's what the S stands for, fyi), hence micro-heavy and macro-light games are simply not RTSes, end of story, and that's why StarCraft is a mediocre RTS. But what would a casual and Blizzard fan know or be able to understand about all this?

icycalm's ape wrote:None of which would be a problem if the maps were generating smart decisions on when to fight and with which units, but the random map generation is actually less complex (and creates less interesting decisions) than the random map generators for Warcraft fucking II. Terrain features are purely cosmetic and there's absolutely no notion of high ground advantage. (And this gets even worse when you start getting into space combat, which is predictably defined by a lack of terrain features, and outside of some specialized structures, lacks any real interplay with the land/sea/air layer.)

Man, he has to be working really hard to come up with this horseshit. If he put half the time it takes to generate all this dribble into actually playing the game, he'd probably even see himself how stupid all this shit is. The space layer does not interact with the other layers? Is he fucking serious? Why am I even bothering to reply to all this dribble?

Fuck it. I am going to stop right here, and just say that EVERY SINGLE LINE in that post is just as stupid as the ones I just analyzed. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Your shit is stupid, mate. Your reviews are stupid, your articles are stupid, your forum members are stupid, and your entire fucking site is stupid.

You lack even the basic decency to admit to yourself that the only reason you started playing the game now is because I did, and the only reason you are trying to invent faults with it now is because I am saying that it's perfect. But it IS perfect, just like Dota IS a decent game, at the very least, AND NO AMOUNT OF INVENTING REASONS WHY THEY ARE NOT CAN CHANGE THIS.

What can you understand about criticism and theory -- much less contribute to them -- if you can't understand this extremely simple thing?

You cannot achieve anything in criticism by making shit up. No one has ever achieved anything that way. You cannot WILL Planetary Annihilation to suck, just because it would be convenient to you at this point in time if it did. Its perfection has nothing to do with your existence -- which perfection you are anyway physiologically incapable of perceiving, since you regard StarCraft as a milestone game in the genre, whereas it barely even belongs to the genre at all (and is a mediocre game even in the genre in which it belongs, never mind in ones in which it doesn't).

How many more pages of this shit will I have to write until a single sentence of it makes its way into your wretched, retarded little excuse of a subhuman trailer trash rat brain?
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Postby icycalm » 28 Sep 2014 08:19

Site made by the guy who says Planetary Annihilation is ugly:

Site made by the guy who says Planetary Annihilation is beautiful:

'nough said.
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Postby icycalm » 28 Sep 2014 08:27

Planetary Annihilation is an ugly and disgusting game, and it's like they created some sort of disgusting hybrid between 2D "indie" pixel art 3D modeling.

-Michael Lowell,











It is the prettiest RTS ever, no doubt about it. And they are improving the effects all the time.

-Alex Kierkegaard,
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Postby icycalm » 29 Sep 2014 22:39

My ape is saying that the Wargame games are prettier than Planetary Annihilation: ... 8#msg76748

icycalm's ape wrote:I don't figure this is worth spending a lot of time on, but icycalm is mad at me for asserting that Planetary Annihilation is an ugly game and countered with the assertion that it's the "prettiest" RTS game ever made. To which I had a pretty hearty laugh at since, you know, I've actually played Wargame: Red Dragon. (In before "BUT THIS IS REAL-TIME TACTICS", i.e. "any game that doesn't sate my manly palate is RTT".)

I expected nothing less from a casual trailer trash American.

Next up: will publish a book on why Call of Duty is prettier than Okami.

The Wargame series is depressing. Great graphics tech for the genre, but soulless aesthetically, and far inferior to PA mechanically. icycalm has spoken.
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Postby icycalm » 29 Sep 2014 22:44

And P.S., my assertion was not "countering" your assertion. I was merely quoting myself from a forum post I made back in July, before you had realized PA existed and decided to give it a try because I was praising it:
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Postby icycalm » 29 Sep 2014 23:08

And P.P.S., RTS is better than RTT, for the same reason strategy is better than tactics. That is how, in defending the latter over the former, you prove that you are not a real RTS fan, but are merely posing as such.

For more details on why RTS is superior to RTT by definition, see the giant thread on "Real-time Strategy vs. City-building" in which I duke it out on a related subject with Macaw:

RTS is superior to RTT for the same reason it is superior to city-building.
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Postby icycalm » 01 Oct 2014 04:17 ... 3#msg76803

icycalm's ape wrote:However, in this case, it just seems to me that there aren't enough late-game options. Which is to say, symmetrical factions aiming for asymmetrical endgame goals, not unlike the Civilization match where one side wants a cultural victory, the other goes for military conquest, etc. Planetary Annihilation is straight conquest, and even within the realm of straight conquest, your options are limited.

Mikey wants cultural victory conditions in a series of games called "Total Annihilation". (Also, see every RTS ever.)

They should hire him to go on Feminist Frequency. Learn to Fagotry, more like.
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Postby icycalm » 15 Oct 2014 02:43

Yet more proof, if any more were needed, that Lowell is a plagiarizing poser hypocrite casual.

He says RTS is his favorite genre, and SupCom FA one of his favorite RTSes.

The plagiarism part is that he only played StarCraft his whole life long, and only tried SupCom because he saw me praising it. That is also the poser part.

The casual-hypocrite part can be seen here:

icycalm: Is this where all the casuals be at?

Lowell: >37 apm

icycalm: High APM is for tactics games. You are talking about the wrong genre, casual.

He doesn't get the fact that in PA I am only in charge of production, and hence my APM is only half of Masahiro's, who's moving the army around (and whose APM in turn is only a fraction of that of StarCraft players, because PA is a real RTS, not an RTT). And the same is true for recoil, who is doing economy and whose APM is even lower than mine. Qpo's APM, on the other hand, is somewhere between mine and Masahiro's, because he assists with stuff outside the base too on occasion.

And if all that were not enough, here is some part of the marketing blurb on one of Lowell's supposedly favorite RTSes:

Strategy is the key, not APM. As you command big armies, what will make the difference between a glorious win and the shame of a loss is your strategy, not how fast you can click.

File that as proof #1482 that Lowell is a plagiarizing poser hypocrite casual who doesn't play games and who spends all day trying to convince other people that he does.
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Postby icycalm » 16 Oct 2014 06:07

Lowell: (Playing 1/4 of the game at any given time)
>muh strategy

icycalm: Tell that to real-world generals. You know less about strategy than I do about belly dancing.

Every single thing he says makes him out to be a bigger and bigger doofus. Shutting the fuck up is the smartest thing he could do. And yet he keeps going. He seems to not have the faintest conception of what the word strategy means.
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Postby icycalm » 16 Oct 2014 10:47

Lowell: >getting surrounded
>giving up map and resource control
>good strategy

I wrote:"Playing 1/4 of the game" lol. So when I play a Medic in a 50-man platoon on PlanetSide 2 I am "playing 1/50" of the game lol?

You want to be a videogame critic and you still haven't managed to grasp the concept of a team-based multiplayer game.

As for my strategy, all the casters and many of the best players of the game applauded me for it. If you took the time to watch our match, you should take the time to read the thread in which the top PA talent discusses it with me. And well over half of them are on my side. Stop being a contrarian douche for the hell of it and approach this masterpiece, as well as me and my amazing site and clan, with a respectful and well-meaning attitude, and you might even end up learning something.
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Postby icycalm » 16 Oct 2014 11:02

I wrote:I destroy every retarded objection that you raise, and because you know you've been destroyed, you jump on to another one. First you were trying to make fun of someone's APM in a strategy game, then you tried to denigrate specialization in the conduct of war, then you claimed that people who play team-based multiplayer games are not playing the whole game, and finally you are trying to make fun of someone who is trying brand-new strategies in an RTS against opponents who have 100 times more hours in the game and who all play by copy-pasting each other's strategies.

And to top it all off, you have carried on this entire pathetic charade by hiding your ridiculous opinions behind 4chan quote memes. Apparently this makes you feel somewhat safer from me.

I mean how much more wretched and retarded can you get dude?
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Postby icycalm » 16 Oct 2014 12:16 ... 767112165/

I am just wired from that 15-player PA game and can't get any sleep.
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Postby icycalm » 18 Oct 2014 02:27

lol he removed all the joke Call of Duty games from the sidebar and added the games they are REALLY playing (which are pathetic, by the way), and changed the group description from Korean to proper English, copying moreover the exact sentence structure and even phrasing of how I present my group:

Group for videogame criticism website Learn to Counter.

Also removed the joke "Learn to Count" link from the links section.

Watch in the next few weeks and months as he slowly begins to morph that page closer and closer to his dumbed down and perverted interpretation of what my Steam group page looks like.

And of course none of it will have any effect on the end result. It will always remain a wretched little group of retards who play nothing most of the time, or at best some ancient pseudo-hardcore hipster game as a break from chattering all day long about stuff they don't even care about (i.e. videogames), all the while pretending to know what they are talking about.
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Postby icycalm » 14 Nov 2014 04:45

icycalm's ape has finished his book: ... onclusion/

And of course it's all bullshit. I am just going to point out the most flagrant piece of bullshit and proof that, as always, he has misunderstood me, and leave the rest to you, dear readers:

icycalm's ape wrote:And I’m tired of videogame players who feel that criticism of a beloved game is equal to a personal attack.

But it IS a personal attack, doofus. That's why I call everyone subhuman: to get the "personal attack" issue out of the way immediately. To make sure everyone understands that TO HAVE INFERIOR TASTES MEANS TO BE AN INFERIOR LIFEFORM. There is an entire chapter in my Genealogy with an equivalent title.

So you say that you are tired of people reacting PRECISELY THE WAY THEY SHOULD REACT TO THE SUPERIOR CRITIC. Which is to say, you are telling people that you are an inferior critic. Which indeed you are, as I have explained again and again in this long thread. So you see, we do agree in the end, as long as your verbal diarrhea is parsed through the Dictionary of the Subhuman Language that I mention on Orgy of the Will.

tl;dr subhuman scribbler scribbled subhuman book for subhumans. Nothing more to see here, folks. 1/5, lolworthy material. Dota is at the least a decent game, and it may even be a very good one. I'll let you know when I get around to properly playing it.
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Postby icycalm » 03 Jan 2015 17:17

Plagiarist be plagiarizing: ... pic=7802.0

Tired of giving 5/5s and "Game of the Centurys" to 1/5 and 2/5 games, in order to be "original", and got back to his good old plagiarizing ways, I see.

icycalm's ape wrote:And to start off with a grandiose assertion...aesthetically, this may be the best game that I've ever played.

Just one step away from saying it's the best game ever, which is what I said years ago on this very website. But he can't take that step, because the plagiarism would become obvious even to his retarded forum users.

icycalm's ape wrote:Okay, time for the real Far Cry 2 thread, and here's the thing: After reading all of those threads on /v/

He cleverly mentions the threads on /v/, instead of ME, from whose forum posts the threads on /v/ BEGAN (people are even saying so in the threads on /v/).

So where are your RTS reviews Mikey? Gave up on your "favorite genre" after my PA review shut down all your bullshit theorizing that places the Wargame series as the best modern RTS series even though they are not even RTSes?

Sex change, Mikey. Remember lobote's advice. It's your only hope at this point.
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Postby icycalm » 15 Jan 2015 18:59 ... 5#msg79785

icycalm's ape wrote:the concept of what the game ended up being is a huge achievement and it is absolutely a progressive direction for the genre.

Nice 180 Mikey. You should try skateboarding.

It's so absurd that he is calling the game a "huge" achievement after reading my review, but when someone tried to link that review in his thread, he edited out the link and moved the post to the trash forum: ... pic=7813.0

It's like cartoon levels of evil.
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Postby icycalm » 01 Feb 2015 15:44 ... 5#msg80155

Michael Lowell wrote:So are any of you filthy gaijins going to play this game or am I going to be the only one? They finally fixed the camera, and if that was the thing that was holding you back, I don't blame you.

There have not been any changes to the camera system since at least August 8, when I started playing (and Lowell started months after). He's just making stuff up, as usual.

You need to work more on your 180s, Mikey. Instead of trying to complete them in 2 or 3 awkward moves, you need to break them down in 100 smaller ones. That way they'll be more fluid, and therefore more convincing.

Don't give up, at any rate. I think you're improving. The key is to never directly acknowledge anything I say, and to just keep plagiarizing me and molding yourself to my very latest opinions. You have that part down, so the rest amounts to practice, practice, practice, and yet more practice. Bon courage. You have the rest of your life to get this right. We, for our part, are all on your team. We are all watching you and rooting for you!
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Postby icycalm » 11 Apr 2015 21:32 ... 1#msg81061

clubsoda wrote:Mike alright, your shit was funny when you had your first blog, there was some lighthearted posting and playful wittyness. But now you have this academic persona that just doesnt fit you at all. Do you write to get something off your chest or to fill space on the screen? think about thaaaaaat

He writes because he is sick.
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Postby icycalm » 28 Apr 2015 05:35 ... topic=8029

Mr. P. L. Agiarist wrote:That may sound weird, but the best way I can describe it is that for many of these players, the act of competing on the leaderboard becomes the game, rather than the game itself.

Videogame Culture: Volume I (2012), page 350:

I wrote:The key point to grasp in the psychology of these "players" then (and you will shortly understand the reason for the scare quotes), is that when the aspies say that they are playing, for example, Dodonpachi, they are not really playing Dodonpachi at all. Or they are playing it, but only in an extremely limited, secondary sense. Because the game they are in fact playing is a completely different game, a game in which Dodonpachi plays the role of merely a mini-game, and which, in the worst of cases (i.e. in the most autistic aspies), could be easily substituted with another game with hardly anyone noticing.

He won't rest until he has rewritten every one of my essays in his wretched style and dumbed down manner.
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Postby icycalm » 29 Apr 2015 18:40

This idea, that the "competitive" gamers are debasing videogames to the level of mini-games and sacrificing them in order to play the "climb the ladder" game, could only have come from my brain, and it DID come from it, in 2012. It is indicative of how stupid he is that he thinks he can pass it off as his own three years later. And lo and behold, someone pointed it out to him in his own thread, barely a few hours later. ... 6#msg81406

Surth wrote:Okay, but why not just link to the icy article on the topic?

It's like removing the Ferrari badge from a Ferrari and replacing it with a Ford one. Who are you going to fool? Is anyone going to believe that Ferraris are made in Detroit, or wherever the hell the Ford factories are? He is an idiot -- how could his brain have given rise to such a genius idea?

And the truth of it is evident in almost every single word he wrote. He says "this may sound weird" -- but if you have read the previous essay in my book (on why I am the best videogame player in the world), and the half a dozen pages in the scoring essay that lead up to it, there's nothing weird at all about it -- it is the most natural thing in the world. It merely SEEMS weird to him because his brain did not create it and doesn't fully understand it, and since he will therefore also suck at explaining it to his poor readers, he expects it to seem weird to them too.

Or he says "for many of these players", but if he had really understood what I explained, he would be saying "for ALL of these players", as I am saying.

This uncertainty and these superfluous qualifiers betray that he doesn't have a strong hold over the idea, which he WOULD have had if he had thought it up himself, instead of read it somewhere, and been weirded out by it, as he so obviously has been.

Or check this out:

icy's ape wrote:I'm in the process of rewriting "The Transformation of e-Sports" and replacing it with a general-purpose piece explaining why e-Sports is detrimental to the quality of finished games.

He is rewriting a shitty essay into a less shitty one after he read my essay, just as he took down the 2/5 Mirror's Edge review after I told him he was an imbecile, or changed the score of Super Meat Boy from 1/5 to 3/5 after he read SriK's review, or started calling Planetary Annihilation a "huge achievement" after he read my review, as opposed to a "piece of shit" he had been calling it before, and so on and so forth. But how can you put yourself forth as an authority on videogames if you make 180s every five minutes and rewrite half your fucking website every other month? I wrote Arcade Culture in 2007 and it's the number 1 essay on the subject almost a decade later and I haven't changed a single word since then, fuckface! THAT'S how real authorities act because they ARE the authorities, so they don't fucking bend over whichever way the wind blows, they ARE the fucking wind! They bend OTHER people's opinions, not the other way around!

Even the TITLE is a ripoff of my essay!

icycalm: Why Scoring Sucks And Those Who Defend It Are Aspies
icy's ape: Why e-Sports Sucks

Moreover, it is not possible to explain why esports suck (plural, not singular -- the very title of his essay has a grammatical error!) without first explaining why scoring sucks, which is why I first deal with that over the course of several pages, and only THEN do I begin to tackle esports, and connect them to it. You have to deal with both these topics together, which is why this is the longest essay in the book at 36 pages. But I guess he found it too hard to plagiarize my scoring arguments, or maybe they are on his list next.

This subject is vast and insanely deep, and that's why it took me such a huge essay to properly analyze it. And I've done such a good and comprehensive job on it that, three years later, no one has even managed to ADD A SINGLE IDEA OR CLARIFICATION to it, and probably no one ever will. The idea that anyone could take this analysis from me, or even a tiny little part of it, and pass it off as his own is laughable. All you are doing when you cut off a little part is forcing everyone to ask you where the hell are all the missing ones. And when he tries to build off of my ideas into his own direction, hilarity ensues:

icy's ape wrote:Basically, e-Sports favors designs and games which facilitate human competition, instead of playing to the strengths of what games do best: Offering awesome worlds to explore. And no, that doesn't discourage games which favor multiplayer or competition between individuals,

THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT IT DOES, RETARD, which is why I have an entire essay on Why Versus Multiplayer Games Are Worse Games Than JRPGs: ... jrpgs.html

Competition is for reality, videogames are for relaxation. How hard can that be to understand?

But give him a few months and he'll do a 180 here as he has done everywhere. I can already see the title of his next essay:

"On Why Versus Multiplayer Games Sucks" [sic]
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Postby icycalm » 23 May 2015 20:54 ... earlygame/

He wants to cut off the early phase of RTS games. He read about PA from my review and Cossacks from the Cossacks 3 thread [ > ], and he came up with this stupid idea now.

There's nothing wrong with the early phase of RTSes. It's awesome, and if you remove it you DECREASE THE COMPLEXITY AND VARIETY OF THE GAME, retard (not to mention the LENGTH, which is part of the complexity and variety).

Go find some other stupid thing to rant and rave about it and leave RTSes alone. They don't need to take advice from casual players.
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Postby icycalm » 25 May 2015 00:39 ... 9#msg81809

Quelsatron wrote:Plus if you turn the early game into the mid game and the mid game into the late game, what do you turn the late game into?

It's not even that. Starting off with a couple of units and building up your base, including choosing the site WHERE to build it, and so on, add a tremendous amount of enjoyment and depth to these games, and the only reason that doofus doesn't realize it is because he doesn't play them. In many scenarios, the early phase of the game is even the BEST (for example, when you are playing inferior opponents but don't know it, opponents whom you end up steamrolling later on precisely because of your superior opening phase skills).

Building your castle/base/fortifications and so on EXACTLY HOW YOU WANT THEM is one of the greatest pleasures in these games -- 50% of it in fact, the other 50% being the tactics -- and it is those two aspects taken together that create the STRATEGY in the real-time strategy. Of course, if your base is already built and you have an initial army, there is still strategy involved, but MUCH LESS THAN IF YOU HAD TO DO ALL THIS STUFF YOURSELF TO BEGIN WITH.

There are so many far-reaching strategic decisions that are being made in these opening phases of these games, and it is only someone with no affinity for strategy at all who would like to remove them.

In short, MORE is BETTER -- this is precisely the mantra of complexity that I repeat and which that retard is even trying to parrot. HOW HARD CAN THAT BE TO UNDERSTAND?

It's like saying life would have been better if the universe was created 100 years ago by God as it was 100 years ago. And yet the truth is obvious that life is more complex, and therefore more ENJOYABLE, if it all begins with a hydrogen atom somewhere, or a quark or whatever, and everything gets built from there. There's more STUFF to build over a longer TIME, so it's more FUN? And I repeat: how hard can that be to understand?

You can see how superficial his parroting of my theories is, and how, deep down, he is the same casual non-player he has always been, and the moment he decides to try saying something original, that casual immediately comes out and there's no hiding it.
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Postby icycalm » 18 Jul 2015 02:31

He's wiping his forum trololol: ... pic=8203.0

It's the same story with all these autistic neckbeards and limp-wristed fagots. None of them lasts more than a couple of years. 4-5 tops. And then they get bored, because they don't really like games all that much, or finally realize that they don't really have anything to say, and they just simply trash their whole sites, and move on. And all that energy and passion they put towards attacking me (or plagiarizing me and THEN attacking me), it goes POOF, and disappears into nothing, along with them and all the rubbish they scribbled.

Good riddance.
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