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Zoological Conclusions at the End of Videogame Theory

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Zoological Conclusions at the End of Videogame Theory

Postby icycalm » 13 Jul 2021 20:22

Zoological Conclusions at the End of Videogame (and Art) Theory


icycalm wrote:The entire future of the planet and the species is written in the titles of modern videogames.
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Postby icycalm » 15 Jul 2021 18:14

I added a couple of paragraphs, right under where it says "where is the Asian Deus Ex? Where is the Asian Witcher? I am not even going to ask where is the Asian D&D, as that would be too cruel."

icycalm wrote:I am not asking them to INVENT these genres, you understand, I know that'd be too much to ask of them, and anyway we've already invented them. I am merely asking them to COPY them, and they can't even do that! They can't for the life of them even merely COPY games anywhere near merely the MIDDLE of the curve!

That's what in D&D is known as a "racial bonus", or in this case the opposite, a penalty. An FYI for those who think Asians will take over the world anytime soon. Maybe with some genetic engineering. But that tech too they'll have to take from us when we invent it. They can't even take over videogames, cannot take over art, and you expect them to take over SCIENCE and MILITARY DOMINANCE? Maybe if we ENTIRELY ABANDON those pursuits, but we haven't yet, so I wouldn't hold my breath for it if I were you.

It is important to make clear the LEVEL OF FAILURE here, so that there'll be no misunderstandings, no illusions, and certainly no delusions. The added arguments make the situation even more blatantly clear than before.
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Postby icycalm » 15 Jul 2021 20:43

Added another argument:

icycalm wrote:Keep also in mind that the dumbest white gamers prefer stupid shit like Korean MMOs and the like, just like the smartest Japanese players prefer Western games. Just the other day I saw a couple of Japanese talking about TaleSpire on Twitter, for example. But a few exceptions on both sides do not disprove the theory: the overwhelming majority of whites detest Asian MMOs (and shit like visual novels and the like), while the overwhelming majority of Asians have no interest in the best white games, not even in average ones like open-world games and the like. That's just how things are, it is math.
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