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Planetary Foxholization

Moderator: JC Denton

Planetary Foxholization

Postby icycalm » 19 Jun 2023 18:03


The time has come for a new planetary adventure. Do you enjoy foxholizing? Then you're in luck private! Because I will be doing lots of foxholizing this weekend, and you are welcome to join in the fun!

In all seriousness, read this thread, and especially the YouTube comments I posted earlier today:

I don't know what this game plays like, but I do know it's worth playing one way or another.

I can't promise we'll be playing it for anywhere near as long as we've played PA, Factorio and the like. Or Rust for that matter. But I am fairly certain we'll have a terrific 5-10 hours for at least one day, and play until we drop. Beyond that, it depends on how it's set up. Will it be set up like PlanetSide where you drop in with your friends, have a fun adventure for a few hours, and then you jump out and don't think about it again until you're ready for a new adventure? Or will it be like the survival-builders where you want to keep track of some type of holdings throughout a few days or weeks? It does sound like it wipes every few dozen hours, so much longer than PlanetSide where the wipes come every few hours, but much shorter than the survival-builders that take weeks, or the FP4Xes that take months. I just don't know what to expect because that type of timescale hasn't been tried before, to my knowledge.

So I can't guarantee how long we'll play this beyond the initial session, if any. And I am inclined to say we WON'T be playing it more, because of how much effort we're all putting into Battlegrounds.

But still, I think for the asking price of €24,99, one full day's worth of a fun MMORTS adventure is worth the price. That's what, two movies? That last 3-4 hours? Game's a bargain in comparison.

So let me know when you can play. The available time slots are the usual: Friday 10 PM UTC, Saturday 1 or 10 PM, and Sunday 1 or 10 PM. The more slots you can give me, the greater the chances of playing with more people.
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Re: Planetary Foxholization

Postby ChevRage » 19 Jun 2023 19:15

I can play on Saturday or Sunday on any slot.
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Re: Planetary Foxholization

Postby ysignal » 20 Jun 2023 03:28

I can play Friday, Saturday or Sunday at 10 PM.
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Re: Planetary Foxholization

Postby recoil » 20 Jun 2023 13:46

I can play Saturday or Sunday at 10 PM.
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Re: Planetary Foxholization

Postby shubn » 20 Jun 2023 18:32

I can play any time except Sunday 10 PM.
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Re: Planetary Foxholization

Postby Q-veta » 20 Jun 2023 20:08

I can play any time.
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