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recoil: Killstreak (Golarion)

Moderator: JC Denton

recoil: Killstreak (Golarion)

Postby recoil » 30 Mar 2024 18:26


Killstreak wrote:... ... ted-heroes

Last member of my second party for now.
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Re: recoil: Killstreak (Golarion)

Postby icycalm » 30 Mar 2024 19:58

You took all the pirates and ninjas lol. Nice. You could even combine them in a massive pirate-ninja party lol.

I need to post the rules on how gifted heroes are replenished. It’s not easy, it takes a lot of time, and it’s very random which classes come up. It won’t be anywhere near as easy as simply replacing the taken ninja with a new ninja. It could be irl years before a new ninja appears on the list and becomes recruitable. I want it to be a major event. “Damn, did you see what happened today on Battlegrounds? They rolled a new gifted ninja!”

I also need to explain some things about parties. You’re not SUPPOSED to make all-gifted parties. It’s more like the gifted are meant as party leaders, and even org/faction-leaders or even kings and queens. That said, an all-gifted party would be a guilty pleasure, which is why making such a party for myself was the first thing I did when I finished the rules for it. It will utterly destroy any MoC Scenario you throw at it, since these scenarios were made for four 20-point buy characters and you’re throwing four 30-point buy ones at it! And how is this balanced, you may ask? It’s not! That’s why it’s so awesome! And you can afford to do this in metaverse games like Battlegrounds and Star Citizen because their worlds are so large and the opposition basically infinite, so that no matter how OP you start out with or manage to grow, the game will still eventually destroy you (insert Rocky quote here).
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Re: recoil: Killstreak (Golarion)

Postby icycalm » 30 Mar 2024 20:11

I also like you’re making themed parties. This type of experimentation isn’t normally possible in a roleplaying group because each player has his own idea of what character he wants, and what are the chances that 4-6 people’s ideas will mesh in a distinct theme? And the official adventures and campaigns are designed to utilize a balanced combination of all 4 main skill groups (fighter, wizard, cleric, rogue). So Master of Heroes was made to escape such constraints and allow wild experimentation with themes and parties. Someone could take all the wizards and make a 5-wizard party! How did these wizards get together? Where are they from, and where are they going? What are their plans, and what do 5-wizard tactics look like anyway? You can’t realistically try this in an official adventure or campaign, but you can try it in MoC Scenarios and in the entire MoH layer.

And all the while you have the pirate party to follow on the overworld, and the ninja party, and the paladin and antipaladin parties, and multiple campaigns with other parties running simultaneously, and whole galaxies away you have freakin’ aliens and predators and blade runners, and it’s just the most incredible artistic universe ever.

I just need to keep myself in good health and good spirits so I can bolt the whole thing together and get it running. Believe it or not, it’s really almost done.
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