For Honor (2017)


[PC] [PS4] [ONE] For Honor

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[PC] [PS4] [ONE] For Honor

Unread postby Hanged Man » 18 Jan 2017 23:35

A "historical" action game by Ubisoft with a singleplayer/two-player campaign mode and a variety of versus multiplayer modes.





The world of For Honor is harsh, yet filled with beautiful wildlands, grandiose landmarks, and majestic ruins. Its hardy inhabitants eke a living as they can in spite of living in a state of near perpetual war. A cataclysm struck a millenium ago, nearly destroying all civilizations. Homelands were sundered, empires burned, and whole nations exiled themselves. From the ashes of this catastrophe, the Knights, Vikings, and Samurai rose again. They struggled to rebuild their nations, trying to recapture the glory of their ancestors.

Carve a path of destruction through vivid, larger-than-life battlefields in For Honor, a ground-breaking action game developed by Ubisoft Montreal in collaboration with other Ubisoft studios.

For Honor will be released on February 14, 2017 on PlayStation®4 system, Xbox One, and PC.

Pierce the fog of war and join bold Knights, brutal Vikings, and deadly Samurais as they battle across lush, challenging battle maps. Master medieval weaponry and participate in brutal, fast-paced melee combat in an engaging story campaign and novel multiplayer modes.

The Art of Battle, For Honor’s innovative control system, puts you in total control of your Heroes. Each has distinct skills and uses unique melee weapons. Combat is designed to deliver the feeling of true dueling without sacrificing accessibility and simplicity. It has been created through motion capture by real martial artists and professional stuntmen to bring the action to life like never before.

Game modes:


Playable as single-player and two-player co-op, the For Honor story mode is an immersive tale of larger-than-life warriors plunged into one of the bloodiest wars between Knights, Vikings, and Samurai in recent history.

Hundreds of years after a cataclysm reshaped the world, Knights, Vikings, and Samurai have adapted and thrive once more. Each now has the power to defy the other factions, tipping a fragile equilibrium into all-out war.

Embodying the greatest warriors of each faction, players experience some of the defining moments that led to the war. Dealing with manipulation, betrayal, and catastrophic reversal, they will need wits and skills to ensure victory.

Storming castles and fortresses, turning the tide of key battles, and defeating deadly bosses in intense duels, players will incarnate as battle-hardened heroes who will shape the course of a violent history.


Dominion: In this 4v4 battle you must break the opposing team’s morale and then eliminate them. You do so by scoring points through killing enemies, capturing specific areas, and controlling them over time.

Duel: Battle it out against a single opponent in a best of five-round fight in an arena! Use your mastery of your hero’s moveset to slay your opponent. You must do so without feats or radar to pinpoint your opponent’s position.

Brawl: This is a 2v2, best-of-five rounds battle to the death. Each hero spawns at a different point of the map. A team wins a battle when they’ve eliminated the last hero of the opposing team. There are no respawns.
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Unread postby Some guy » 03 Feb 2017 15:40

For Honor Season Pass Revealed, Free DLC Announced ... e-dlc.html

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For Honor Trailer: Season Pass & Post Launch (DLC):

Ubisoft Announces For Honor Season Pass

Today, Ubisoft announced that the For Honor season pass will include six all-new Heroes available seven days before they are released to all players, plus additional in-game gear and a 30-day Champion Status, which will give players more experience points and loot. Additional post-launch content, including new maps, modes and gear, will be available for free to all players.

The For Honor Season Pass can be purchased alongside the full game or through the Gold Edition. The contents of the For Honor Season Pass include:

• Six all-new Heroes available seven days before released to all players

• Six elite outfits to customise the new Heroes

• Day One War Pack:

- One exclusive sunbeam effect on emotes for all Heroes
- Three exclusive emblem outlines
- Three scavenger crates to unlock additional gear
- 30-day Champion Status that gives XP boosts to friends, more XP from crafting and additional end-match loot

All Season Pass content, except the six post-launch Heroes and their elite outfits, will be available at launch on February 14th, 2017. The new Heroes will be progressively released by batches of two at the beginning of a new Season of the Faction War – the persistent cross-platform meta-game that will evolve the war across the For Honor world. After this early-access period, these Heroes can be unlocked via Steel, the For Honor in-game currency given for completing matches and in-game challenges.

Additional free content will also be released across three Seasons following launch. This post-launch content, including new maps, modes and gear, will be available for free to all players. Season Pass holders will receive an early access to some elements of this post-launch content.

Players looking to hone their skills before launch can join the For Honor open beta from February 9th to February 12th, 2017. This beta will include the new Elimination mode, a best of five rounds four-versus-four match with no respawns. Elimination joins three additional modes playable in the open beta including Dominion, Brawl and Duel, and nine playable Heroes. At launch, For Honor will feature twelve playable Heroes and five different multiplayer modes.

Developed by Ubisoft Montreal in collaboration with other Ubisoft studios, For Honor offers an engaging campaign and thrilling multiplayer. Players embody warriors of the three Great Factions – the bold Knights, the brutal Vikings and the enigmatic Samurai – fighting to the death on intense and believable melee battlefields. The Art of Battle, the game’s innovative combat system that puts players in total control of their warriors, allow them to utilize the unique skills and combat style of each Hero to vanquish all enemies who stand in their way. For Honor will be available on February 14th, 2017.

For more information about For Honor, please follow us on Facebook at and on Twitter at For the latest on all of Ubisoft’s games, please visit
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Unread postby icycalm » 05 Feb 2017 16:38 ... losed-beta

Shepton wrote:For Honor Closed Beta

Want some thoughts? No? Well I dunno, fuck off then?

So I was one of the bajillions who got into the For Honor beta this past weekend, and I've been churning a bunch of thoughts around in my mind about it ever since. Figured it might be good to put them into words. So here t'is.

For Honor has an interesting concept. It takes the basic rock/paper/scissors nature of traditional 2D fighting games, and attempts to put it into a 3D space, while maintaining the grounded fundamentals present in a one-on-one duel. I think they're onto something, and overall it feels good, and I believe it's on the right track. It's not quite there yet, but it's going in the right direction.

I'm going to be talking almost exclusively about the combat, because that's the defining feature of For Honor and basically the only thing about it that really sets it apart from other third person action games. In most action games, you can feel a little disconnected from the physical actions of your character. Pressing X to swing a sword, for instance, may not necessarily feel particularly intense or involved. So For Honor does something pretty different. Ubisoft calls it the "Art of Battle" - long story short, you primarily utilize the right stick to determine the direction of your attack or block. You can go left, right, or up. When you attack, your opponent gets a brief moment to react and has to point their stick in the same direction in order to block.

Of course, it gets quite a bit deeper than that. You have light attacks and heavy attacks, you can parry in addition to blocking, and there is also a guard break (effectively a throw, in fighting game terminology.) There are also dodges, which can be done in any direction and allow a brief moment of invulnerability (but you still have to read the attack and dodge the right way, or you'll just dodge directly into a sword and get hit) and unblockable attacks (which can be countered by parrying, dodging, or guard breaking, depending on the attack and your timing.) There's also the option to feint an attack to trick your opponent into doing the wrong thing and giving you an opening.

Essentially, there's an answer to everything - rock/paper/scissors, the way any balanced game needs to be. You need to invest some time into the combat to the point where your reactions and knowledge allow you to be prepared to use the appropriate counter at the appropriate time.

So that's the gist of the combat. For Honor also has a bunch of different classes, or characters, to choose from. There's three factions - Vikings, Knights, and Samurai, each of which has four classes, which all look different, have different weapons, and some different moves/abilities. Right now, the classes are where my biggest criticisms of the game lie. The overall combat is solid, but the classes create issues of balance (certain classes have distinct advantages over the rest of the cast.) A lot of people complained about the Nobushi, a Samurai class whose weapon allows for very long range pokes, effectively playing a long-range keep-away game. Obviously that playstyle can be annoying to deal with if you lack the necessary experience and skillset. I don't think the Nobushi itself is overpowered as such, but I do think there are problems with one thing the class can do - cause Bleed damage.

Both the Nobushi and a knight class called Peacekeeper have the ability to cause Bleed damage - a damage-over-time effect. Think Poison, or whatever. Same deal. The effect itself is pretty strong in its current form, and VERY annoying to be on the receiving end of. I think it'll get tweaked, probably to deal slightly less damage. A lot of players were saying that Bleed itself shouldn't be able to kill (i.e. if you're bleeding you should keep 1hp and not straight up die from it) but I don't know if that's the best answer. Bleeding gives a sense of urgency to a fight - there were plenty of times when I was bleeding, doomed to die, and rather than sitting and waiting to bleed to death I got aggressive and killed my opponent before the bleed could finish me off. That was actually fun, and intensely satisfying. Killing someone who thinks your loss is guaranteed is a feeling that can't be beat. But of course, losing to somebody who just causes Bleed and then runs away from you causes massive salt. The runaway game is pretty strong in For Honor, and very frustrating. It isn't always easy to stop somebody from simply running away.

Anyway, the Bleed effect itself isn't really my big concern. My concern is that only the Nobushi and Peacekeeper have the ability. The other classes don't really have an equivalent. That means that only those two classes have an ability to make them truly feel unique, by allowing them to alter the flow of a fight. When the threat of Bleed is there, a fight becomes very different. When Bleed is inflicted, the fight changes again. Desperation can set in and they could rally, or frustration can get the better of them causing them to make a mistake, and so on. For the other characters, each fight is basically the same, and it doesn't matter who you're playing as. I'd love to see the other classes get some status effects of their own - maybe the Viking classes could get more abilities to stun or perhaps "intimidate" their opponents in some way, and maybe the knights could get some defensive abilities relating to the heavy armor they wear.

I don't know. I'm not a game designer. But I know what feels good to me, and after having played several different classes throughout the beta, I came away feeling like most of them weren't all that different from one another. For instance, I loved the Viking Raider, but he couldn't do anything that other classes couldn't. His only unique ability is to grab people and carry them a short distance, but in terms of what that actually achieves it's no different than a guard break for the other classes. Everybody can guard break and shove someone, which is effectively what the Raider's carry mechanic does. It just grabs somebody and pushes them in a direction. The end result is no different. So why play the Raider, when I could instead play the Kensei, or vice versa?

I also think the game favors defense. Once you learn what to watch for you can have an almost iron-clad defense, blocking or parrying every attack and teching every throw attempt. It takes effort and concentration and practice, but at a "high level" (if there is such a thing in a game that isn't even out yet) you can definitely be near-impenetrable. You need to be really good at mixing in feints to really open somebody up and sneak a hit in. Honestly, I don't think this is a large issue, and will evolve and change over time as people learn the game to deeper levels.

I guess I'll talk about the unimportant shit real quick: Looks good, sounds good. Sounds great, actually. The sound effects are really brutal, and it adds to the impact of each hit and block. I enjoy the personal touches that character customization allows, so that's neat. The UI is a little janky and could use some work. It's a little clumsy, slow, and not particularly intuitive. Also for whatever reason you have to hold the confirm button for almost everything instead of just a simple tap. I could get on board with this for important notifications, and MAYBE readying up during matchmaking, but you have to hold the button down for almost everything, which is kinda annoying. That's a really minor nitpick that I don't actually care much about, though.

An important but not necessarily game-breaking issue is lack of dedicated servers. It's all peer-to-peer right now, which is fine for one-on-one duels, but shows its ugly side during four-on-four dominion mode. People disconnect, the matchmaking flounders, latency can be an issue if the host starts torrenting fifty gigs of interracial gangbang dickslap porn (no judgment)... ultimately I had no major issues with lag or latency during the beta weekend. My connections were smooth. I DID have a few instances of matches failing to start at all and the matchmaking just hangs for several minutes, and I did experience a few moments during larger games where the game had to pause because somebody disconnected, which actually got me killed a couple times because the game would ignore my guard input and when it came back I'd be out of guard and unable to block at a critical moment. Duels were always flawless, though, but I'd still like to see dedicated servers, even if just for the larger game modes.

Anyway, that's it. My initial thoughts on what should be a fairly decent game that's trying something that I think is neat. Great concept, mostly solid execution, maybe some issues when it comes to staying power. It's pushing to be an "esport" level of competitive game, but with the lack of variety in play styles I see it becoming a turtle-heavy game right now, which isn't really exciting to spectate. But I do anticipate lots of gradual change over time, hopefully for the better.

Just for fun, here's a clip of me being a total dick as Raider:
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Unread postby radoverum » 25 Feb 2017 08:49

I'm playing through For Honor's campaign on PS4. Still haven't finished it since I'm bad at fighting games and am playing on Realistic.

I played the first mission on Normal but was intrigued by Realistic difficulty having no fight UI, and just switched to that thereafter. Even though I'm dying a lot (especially against Valkyries which were hard to figure out what pose corresponded to which direction), it feels a lot more immersive. This is especially since I have not watched too many multiplayer videos and "spoiled" all the attack directions. It's cool to figure them out as part of playing a level.
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Unread postby icycalm » 25 Feb 2017 15:28

It's a shame you can't play with us. Turns out there's no real crossplay; what's there only has to do with the strategic aspect of the MP (or at least that's what immersedreality, who looked into it, says). But if you ever decide to get the PC version you are welcome to join us. I at least plan to be playing that for quite some time, and our team is up to 5 players now, with at least a couple more soon hopefully joining.
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Unread postby panegyrist » 25 Feb 2017 19:45

This is a really well-optimized game. I don't have any issues playing at 3440x1440, Extreme settings, while maintaining a steady 60 fps. I can even stream 1080p60 at the same time.

I haven't played many fighting games so I'm struggling a little with some of the enemies. It took me three tries to beat the first boss, so it was really cool seeing Infernovia beat him in one try on his stream with Icy.

If anyone would like to try playing through the campaign with me, I'm free any day from 10pm to 5am Pacific time. On weekends I could fit in a few hours during the day, too. If no one wants to play the campaign with me, I can be available for multiplayer during those same times, so if you see me playing the game feel free to message me and I'll pause the campaign to play multiplayer.
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Unread postby icycalm » 25 Feb 2017 19:56

Requests for online gaming should be posted in the Online forum. Your post however contains comments on the game, so I am leaving it here. Go to the Online thread and post your request for co-op partner there.
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Unread postby icycalm » 27 Feb 2017 08:43

Wikipedia wrote:Sales

For Honor debuted at number one of the video game sales charts during its first week of release in Japan, selling 40,062 copies.

It does have samurai, after all.
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Unread postby radoverum » 28 Feb 2017 07:05

I noticed the good optimization as well. Ran much better than Watch Dogs 2 (just to give an example of another Ubisoft game), but that's probably because in For Honor the battlefields are comparatively pretty small so they can pack in tons of detail that in most open world games would bring any PC to its knees. Maybe all the open world work was like "training in higher gravity" for this game. Shame it's 30fps on PS4 though.

I'm totally up for playing the campaign multiplayer as well.
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Unread postby icycalm » 01 Mar 2017 00:08

You need to post in the Online thread, and you need to set a date and a time, otherwise the chances of it happening are slim to none.

You single-player geeks need to take co-op more seriously, and do what needs to be done to make it happen, otherwise just accept the fact that you will always be playing alone.

I feel like I am giving dating advice here. Which in a way I guess I am.
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Unread postby icycalm » 19 Jun 2017 17:43

Shinobi & Centurion Gameplay Trailer (New Classes)

I am guessing the Centurion will be in the Knight faction? No idea how that makes sense, but the animation in that video is remarkable. I think I'll pop back in the game to check them out.
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Unread postby icycalm » 25 Jul 2018 03:19

For Honor - New Content of the Week (June 14) ... 5126887184

A new, Chinese faction with four new heroes, plus a new 4v4 mode:

Ubisoft wrote:Alongside the new faction, is the new 4v4 gamemode Breach. Breach will have players storming or protecting a well-fortified castle equipped with ballistas, fire cauldrons, and archers.

Sounds cool.

I think they are getting a little closer to Tiger Knight with this.

The new trailers are cool too.

I think now that they have four factions, they'd have to redo the game's cover art to reflect it.

Still think the knights are the coolest faction. Followed by the samurai. Vikings would be third, and the Chinese fourth. (All of my preferences are based on Ubi's renditions, not on how much I like the real types of warriors they represent.)
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